Taking Exams
Midterm and final exams for University Extension's self-paced online courses are taken online using the Honorlock remote proctoring platform. The Honorlock platform enables you to take your exams from home or any location where internet access is available, while ensuring the integrity of your exam by verifying your identity and recording your exam-taking session.
For information about testing processes and requirements for semester-based online courses, please review your course syllabus and contact your instructor if you have questions.

Technical and Environmental Requirements
To take your exam, you must have a laptop or desktop computer with a microphone and a camera. The camera must be moveable to allow for complete scanning of your testing environment. A standard built-in laptop camera is acceptable provided the laptop can be moved. The exam must be taken using Chrome with the Honorlock extension. No other browsers are supported. You will also need a stable high speed internet connection.
You should take the exam alone in a quiet, secluded environment. No one may be present or enter the room during testing. You may not exit the room during the exam for any reason.
Before beginning the exam, you will be asked to show photo identification. Only official government or school issued photo identification is accepted. The name on the identification must match the name you are enrolled under and your name in Canvas. If the names do not match, please contact uextesting@austin.utexas.edu before testing so that we can assist you.
Unless specified in the exam instructions, you are not allowed to have any materials present or available to you during the exam including: phones or other electronic devices, notes, course materials, paper/scratch paper, pencils, pens or calculators.
A UT Austin proctor will review the recording of your exam session for adherence to these requirements. Failure to meet these requirements may result in a failing score for the exam and/or course.

Academic Integrity
Students are expected to take their exams independently and according to the instructions specified in Canvas. UT Austin expectations for academic integrity apply. Responses to exam questions must be solely your work. Plagiarism and other forms of scholastic dishonesty are serious academic violations that will not be tolerated. The penalties for scholastic dishonesty include the possibility of failure in the course. Scholastic dishonesty in examinations will automatically result in a grade of F on the exam and an F in the course.

Starting your Exam
Once you have completed all required modules in Canvas leading up to a midterm or final exam, you will be eligible to take that exam. At this time, navigate to the page in Canvas with instructions for your specific exam. It will provide you with information such as how much time you will be allowed to complete your exam and if any material like scratch paper will be allowed to be used in your exam. Read all instructions on this page carefully. If you have any questions, contact us at uextesting@austin.utexas.edu.
Next, you may click on “Take the Quiz” to begin the exam. Read carefully and follow all instructions as you will be walked through a series of checks and diagnostics. You will be asked to show photo identification. The name on identification must match the name on your enrollment. You will be required to scan your testing environment, including your desk, under your desk, and all parts of the room. As the last step before starting your exam, you will be asked to certify your understanding and agreement with University Extension requirements and policies.

Getting Help
If you experience a technical issue during your exam, you should immediately contact Honorlock support for assistance via live chat. You may open the chat from within an exam or from the Honorlock website. Honorlock support is available 24/7.
You may also contact uextesting@austin.utexas.edu if you require additional help.

After Your Exam
When you finish your exam, any objective questions will be graded automatically and any open-response questions will be sent to your instructor for grading. You will be returned to the exam instructions page in Canvas. At this point, you may continue your coursework if any modules remain. The video of your exam session will be reviewed by a UT Austin proctor and you will be contacted if any issues arise. Otherwise, an exam grade will be returned to Canvas within three business days.

For more information about self-paced course exams, including timing considerations and exam reviews, please visit Frequently Asked Questions.