Photo of a college student wearing a Texas Longhorns t-shirt

Reduced Tuition Rates for Credit-Bearing Summer 2025 Internship Courses

Information for UT Austin Students

Special Tuition Rate for Internship Courses

UT Austin is committed to making internships accessible to students of all financial backgrounds, including by offering the following special rates on credit-bearing Summer 2025 internship courses. 

  • $500 for one- and three-hour internship courses
  • $1,000 for six-hour internship courses 
  • $1,500 for nine-hour internship courses

The registration fee for these summer internship courses is the same for all students, regardless of residency status.

Registration, Requirements and Other Resources

Registration opens Monday, April 7, and approval is required before you can enroll*. 

Internship course and degree requirements vary, and some internship programs may require approval by faculty, career services or another office. Check with your academic advisor about the process and timeline before enrolling.

Additional internship resources, guidance and support are available via Texas Career Engagement and your college or school career center.

*You will be directed to the registration page for your internship course when you receive approval from your advisor, career services office, faculty member or other internship coordinating office.

Summer 2025 Internship Courses 


ACC 392NMaster In Professional Accounting Internship
B A 353Internship in Business Administration
B A 653Internship in Business Administration


ADV 350Advertising Internship
ADV 650Advertising Internship
CLD 351Internship in Communication and Leadership
CLD 651Internship in Communication and Leadership
CMS 307KInternship
CMS 370KInternship in Communication Studies
COM 3231-Sports Media Internship
COM 3232-Social Change Internship
COM 3233-Global Experience
COM 3234-Science Communication Internship
COM 350Communication Internship
COM 350Communication Internship-UTNY
COM 650Communication Internship
COM 650Communication Internship-UTNY
COM 350LSemester in Los Angeles Internship
COM 650LSemester in Los Angeles Internship
J 160GJournalism Practicum
J 360FInternship
J 660FInternship
P R 350Public Relations Internship
P R 650Public Relations Internship
RTF 130NInternship in Media Industries
RTF 330NInternship in Media Industries
RTF 350NSemester in New York Internship
RTF 630NInternship in Media Industries
RTF 650NSemester in New York Internship
RTF 350LSemester in Los Angeles Internship
RTF 650LSemester in Los Angeles Internship


EDC 364CFieldwork in Youth and Community Studies
HED 627LFieldwork in Health Promotion
KIN 327JFieldwork: Off Campus
KIN 327T4-Strength and Condition Coaching
KIN 328CInternship in Sport Management
KIN 627F1-Internship in Health Fitness
KIN 627F2-Internship in Medical Fitness
KIN 627JFieldwork: Off Campus
KIN 628Fieldwork in Sport Management


BME 377MMedical Internship
BME 377SIndustrial Internship
ECE 125SInternship in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Fine Arts

F A 140Fine Arts Internship
F A 340Fine Arts Internship
F A 640Fine Arts Internship

Liberal Arts

GOV 374NPolitical Internship
L A 110Internship (First Term)
L A 110Internship (Second Term)
L A 320Internship
L A 320Internship-UTNY
L A 620Internship-UTNY
L A 621International Internship
WGS 379LInternship in Women's and Gender Studies

Natural Sciences

NSC 120EInternship in the Sciences
NSC 322Internships/Experiential Learning
TXA 356Internship

Undergraduate Studies

BDP 325KConnecting Internship Experience

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