Info for UT Austin Students
Current UT Austin students can take University Extension courses in order to stay on track for graduation, complete prerequisites, or add more flexibility to their schedule. Consult your academic advisor if you want to apply a University Extension course to your UT Austin degree.

Course Credit and Transcripts
University Extension course grades are recorded automatically on your UT Austin transcript. Semester-based courses record as Extension credit, and self-paced online courses record as Correspondence credit. Neither type counts as "in-residence."

- University Extension course grades count in your cumulative (not semester) UT Austin GPA.
- A grade of Q in a University Extension course does not count against the allowed drop limit.

Financial Aid
- University Extension courses are not included in flat-rate tuition.
- Students may not use their financial aid award toward any self-paced online courses.
In most cases, University Extension’s semester courses can count toward your full course load certification for financial aid and similar certifications as long as you meet the required minimum daytime enrollment hours and are making satisfactory academic progress as determined by the Office of Financial Aid. If approved, students typically pay for their University Extension course and bring their receipt to Financial Aid, which will then reimburse students out of their award. Contact the Office of Financial Aid for more information.

Registration & Course Schedules
- You may register for self-paced online courses anytime. This can be a good option for students looking to take a class mid-semester or in between terms.
- Meeting dates for semester-based courses vary, although common administrative deadlines apply. See individual course descriptions and the Calendar for details.

Course Flags
If the University Extension section of a course fulfills a Flag, it will be noted on the course schedule and in the course description. Upon successful completion of the course, you will automatically receive Flag credit on your student record.
For courses that do not carry a Flag but that appear to meet the requirements, students may submit a petition to Undergraduate Studies to have the course considered for Flag credit. Unless the Flag is noted in the course description, students should not assume a course meets a Flag requirement without first submitting a petition and/or speaking with a Flags Advisor.

Work With An Advisor
It is always a good idea to consult with your academic advisor or a University Extension advisor before registering.
Some UT Austin colleges and schools require approval for their students to be simultaneously enrolled with University Extension. UT Austin students who register for University Extension courses without the required approvals will be dropped from their course(s) and will remain responsible for processing and related fees.
If you are or will be a graduating senior in your final semester, we strongly encourage you to contact an advisor in your college prior to enrolling with University Extension. Often, there are specific deadlines for when a grade must be recorded on your transcript in order to support graduation application processing. Some colleges, also, have restrictions on concurrent enrollment in your final semester.
Concurrent Enrollment Petitions and Approval Procedures:
- Moody College of Communication - Concurrent Enrollment Policy
- College of Fine Arts - Contact the CoFA Student Affairs office to request concurrent enrollment in UEX
- Cockrell School of Engineering - Online Concurrent Enrollment Petition
- Jackson School of Geosciences - Online Concurrent Enrollment Petition
- Graduate School - Graduate Student Request for University Extension Credit
The Colleges of Liberal Arts, Education, and Natural Sciences currently do not require prior approval. However, all students are strongly encouraged to speak with an academic advisor prior to enrollment.
Graduate students are permitted to count up to six total hours of University Extension credit in their programs of work only if they have the proper forms signed by their advisors and the graduate dean. Graduate students may take courses with undergraduate numbers, but those courses will not count for their program of work and will not qualify for financial aid except in rare circumstances and with special permission from the sponsoring department and the Graduate School.