Jump to Summer 2025 Calendar 

Jump to Fall 2025 Calendar

Spring 2025 Calendar



November 4Registration opens.
December 16Late registration period begins ($60 late fee in effect).
December 30Last day to drop with a refund of course fee (minus a $150 administrative fee).
January 13Classes begin.
January 16Last day to add a class or request a transfer without permission.
January 16Last day to drop a class with a 50% refund of the course fee; no refunds will be granted after this date.
January 20Martin Luther King, Jr. Day; no classes held.
January 29Last day to add a class or request a transfer (approval required).
January 29Last day to drop a class without permission.
March 17-22Spring Break; no classes held.
April 16Last day to change grading status in a class to or from Pass/Fail.
April 16Last day to submit a petition to drop a class.
April 16Last day to submit documentation to UEX for TSI, prerequisites, or identity verification (Students who fail to provide appropriate documentation will be dropped with no refund and no academic penalty).
April 28Last day of class.
Final ExamsInformation on exam dates will be communicated in the syllabus, if applicable.

Summer 2025 Calendar

The Summer semester runs June 5 - August 18, 2025, and includes First Term, Second Term, Nine-week Term, and Summer Term.

  • First Term: June 5 – July 10, 2025
  • Second Term: July 14 - August 15, 2025
  • Nine-week Term: June 5 - July 29, 2025
  • Summer Term: June 5 - August 15, 2025



April 7Registration opens.
June 5First day of classes for First Term, Nine-week, and Summer Term.
June 5$25 late registration fee in effect through June 10th for First Term, Nine-week, and Summer Term.
June 5Last day to drop a First Term, Nine-week, and Summer Term course and apply for a full refund of the course fee less the $50 admin fee.
June 9Last day to drop a First Term, Nine-week, and Summer Term course and apply for a 80% refund of the course fee.
June 10Last day to add or drop a First Term, Nine-week, and Summer Term course without permission.
June 12Last day to drop First Term, Nine-week, and Summer Term courses and apply for a 50% refund of the course fee; No refunds will be granted after this date for First Term, Nine-week, and Summer Term courses.
June 19Emancipation Day; no classes held.
June 26Last day to change a class to or from Pass/Fail for First Term, Nine-week, or Summer Term.
June 26Last day to submit documentation to UEX for TSI, prerequisites, or identity verification (Students who fail to provide appropriate documentation will be dropped with no refund and no academic penalty) for First Term, Nine-week, or Summer Term.
July 4Independence Day; no classes held.
July 10Last class day for First Term courses.
July 10Last day to petition to drop a First Term course.
July 14First day of classes for Second Term.
July 14$25 late registration fee in effect through July 17th for Second Term.
July 14Last day to drop a Second Term course and apply for a full refund of the course fee less the $50 admin fee.
July 16Last day to drop a Second Term course and apply for a 80% refund of the course fee.
July 17Last day to add or drop a Second Term course without permission.
July 21Last day to drop Second Term courses and apply for a 50% refund of course fee; No refunds will be granted after this date for Second Term courses.
July 29Last class day of Nine-week Term.
July 29Last day to petition to drop a Nine-week Term course.
August 1Last day to change a class to or from Pass/Fail for Second Term.
August 1Last day to submit documentation to UEX for TSI, prerequisites, or identity verification (Students who fail to provide appropriate documentation will be dropped with no refund and no academic penalty) for Second Term
August 15Last class day for Second Term and Summer Term courses.
August 15Last day to petition to drop a Second Term and Summer Term course.
Final ExamsInformation on exam dates will be communicated in the syllabus, if applicable.

Fall 2025 Term

August 25 - December 15, 2025



April 7Registration opens.
July 28Late registration period begins ($60 late fee in effect).
August 11Last day to drop with a refund of course fee (minus a $150 administrative fee).
August 25Classes begin.
September 1Labor Day Holiday; no classes held.
September 2Last day to have an add or transfer request considered.
September 2Last day to drop a class with a 50% refund of the course fee; no refunds will be granted after this date.
September 10Last day to drop a class without permission.
November 19Last day to submit a petition to drop a class; and last day to change grading status in a class to or from Pass/Fail.
November 19Last day to submit documentation to UEX for TSI, prerequisites, or identity verification (Students who fail to provide appropriate documentation will be dropped with no refund and no academic penalty).
November 24-29Fall Break - Thanksgiving; no classes held.
December 8Last day of class.
Final ExamsInformation on exam dates will be communicated in the syllabus, if applicable.